What One Biologist Writes about Collagen Cream

Can you picture yourself being a biologist and having extra dry skin? Wouldn’t you want to use any information that you had acquired about the growth of skin cells? Suppose you knew that certain cells, cells like skin cells, grow better when they are fed collagen. Would that knowledge not motivate you to try putting collagen skin cream on your dry hands?

In fact, some twelve years ago one biologist with extremely dry hands did purchase a skin care product that contained collagen. That research associate had been responsible for growing a certain cell type, one with many of the same characteristics as skin cells. Furthermore, that biologist had fed collagen to those same cells. Based on that limited knowledge, the biologist with the red and dry hands selected from a pharmacy shelf a skin care aid that contained collagen.

Since then, the same biologist has sought out the veracity of claims that a face cream containing collagen can best fight the wrinkling and drying that is found in aging skin.

That biologist can now share with others important information about the benefits derived from treating the skin with a collagen-containing product. That biologist has learned that a cream containing collagen can help the skin to retain an added amount of moisture. However, such a cream should not be expected to strengthen the skin.

Such a cream would lack the ability to provide the skin with added elasticity. An older adult could not get any of the large collagen molecules down into the body’s natural framework, the framework that lies underneath the top layer of skin cells. As a result, no cream to which collagen had been added could serve as an anti aging cream. Such a cream could not transform sagging and wrinkled skin into vibrant skin.

Now the makers of the most popular wrinkle cream have done their best to hide from the public the limitations of collagen. Those cream makers want the public to focus on the ability of the skin to absorb the various creams and lotions that have been lathered onto human epidermal cells. The manufacturers of facial creams want the public to assume that a molecule of collagen can sink down into a skin pore. However, the laws of biology make it impossible for a large molecule of collagen to enter the skin through an open pore.

That explains why one biologist has chosen to write this article about an ingredient that is frequently added to skin care products, i.e. collagen. That biologist acknowledges the truth of one often-stated claim: the claim that human skin looses collagen as it ages. Still, the veracity of that statement cannot be used to back up the outrageous claims being made about collagen creams. While such a cream can help the skin to retain moisture, it cannot stimulate the skin cells to step up their production of collagen. It should not be viewed as a “miracle” product, one with the ability to restore to skin its former elasticity.

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