Polar Heart Rate Monitors


How HRM Watches Can Help You Lose Weight

Keeping fit and trying to lose weight is one of the toughest challenges that people face. The many people that take on this challenge will either fail at the first hurdle or they will soon give up somewhere down the line. It is no wonder why the weight loss diet industry is so successful and…  [continue reading] 


3 Quick Tips To Avoid Fitness DVD Burnout

You’ve been faithfully working out to your favorite fitness DVDs for a few months but now they are becoming boring and frankly you could perform each routine with your eyes closed. Before you give up on fitness DVDs all together try these 3 quick tips to avoid fitness DVD burnout before it’s too late. 1….  [continue reading] 


Try A Heart Rate Monitor Watch For Better Fitness

Trying to stay in shape? It’s a constant battle for many people. Everyone’s looking for magic videos or exercise equipment, that will help them lose weight and keep it off. In addition to losing weight though, your focus should also be on getting fit. They aren’t the same thing. Getting your heart rate going to…  [continue reading] 

Heart Rate Monitor Watches Equal Fitness Results

If your workout routine consists of walking on a treadmill, cycling on a stationary bike, or gliding on an elliptical trainer while catching up on your latest reading then getting fit is definitely not your goal. I know this because training for an event or working on a goal to lose weight does require at…  [continue reading] 


Monitoring Your Fitness Goals with a Polar F11

When you are enjoying the outdoors, it is important to have the proper equipment to monitor your heart rate and keep track of your workouts.  Whether you are hiking an untamed mountain or biking through man made trails, Polar F11 watches help you listen to your body while improving your fitness level, all while having…  [continue reading]